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 In July of 2014, RHRLU launched its inaugural event, a three days weekend of activities in the Red Hills District area. RHRLU ceased the opportunity to recognize and award key contributors who have made significant contributions to the community and citizens of the Red Hills District (St. Andrew, Jamaica) over decades of selfless service. These are individuals who have left an indelible impression on the lives on everyone in the community resulting in major socioeconomic development, educational advancements and cultural and spiritual development.  A snap shot of the activities are as follows:


  •  Friday night -- Meet and Greet, where both the international committee and the community associated with one another, reminiscing about the good old days while enjoying some of the most scrumptious dishes of the island.

  • Saturday -- Family Fun Day where the community was invited out to share with us with entertainment galore for the youths of the community. Other awards was handed out to Stewart Stephenson, Errol Brown, Henley Johnson, Peter Jackson

  • Sunday Morning -- Worship Service: The members of the executive team and its members at large attended the Red Hills Baptist Church. During this service Former Principal, Mrs. Luna Matthews was honored for her services; along with Rev. Al Miller, former Youth Pastor of the Red Hills Baptist Church; and Mr.  Gordon  Miller, an active community leader.

  • Sunday afternoon – Sports Day at Belvedere Oval. The local and international football teams kicked off against each other with the local team proving to be the conqueror. Six citizens of the community were awarded trophies for their outstanding participation or contributions in sports, which has served to inspire and empower the youths.

In the mission to help the youths and young people develop their talents, the Red Hills Retro Link Up sponsored 16 young ladies in the 2014 Miss Red Hills Beauty Pageant. These women are now making significant difference in their community.


Two (2) teenage boys were sponsored one year of transportation fares to attend schools.


As Red Hills Retro Link Up continues to make an impact on the young people in the Red Hills Community, we trust that we will all be guided by our slogan – IT’S NOT ABOUT US, IT'S ABOUT OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET – THE YOUTHS.












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